孔萍萍等人的论文《Microscopic Imaging of Alpha Particle Trajectory and Its Application for Radionuclide Distribution Measurement in Cell》被SCI期刊《Microscopy Research and Technique》正式录用。
白佳昕等人的论文《Optimization and Testing of Microfocus Pulsed X-Ray Source》被SCI期刊《Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A》正式录用。
柏娇媚等人的论文《Sensitive organelles of U251 MG glioblastomas to boron neutron capture therapy》被SCI期刊《International Journal of Radiation Biology》正式录用。
蔡婷等人的论文《Advancing thermal radiation efficiency with hybrid-patterned metasurface emitters in thermophotovoltaic systems》被SCI期刊《International Journal of Thermal Sciences》正式录用。