周柏松等人的论文《Bayesian Neural Networks for the Neutron Spectrum Unfolding in the EAST Tokamak》被SCI期刊《IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement》正式录用。
陈超等人的论文《Self-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks Based on the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator for Aquatic Temperature Monitoring》被SCI期刊《Applied Thermal Engineering》正式录用。
梁冬冬等人的论文《Ultra 40% optical and electrical performance enhancement of silver nanosphere array-structured radioluminescent nuclear batteries》被SCI期刊《Sensors and Actuators A-Physical》正式录用。
唐仁伟等人的论文《Numerical study on the thermal performance of space radiator using microencapsulated phase change material slurry as working medium》被SCI期刊《Applied Thermal Engineering》正式录用。