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舒迪昀参加International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA2017)


20171015-18日,NUCL-X课题组博士生舒迪昀前往意大利那不勒斯参加了International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA2017)。本次会议由那不勒斯费德里克二世大学和意大利国家核物理研究院那不勒斯分部主办,会议主题几乎涵盖了蒙特卡罗方法在医学应用中的所有领域,包括Updates on MC codes physicsMC approaches in brachytherapyGPU/parallel implementations and deterministic methodsMC in particle therapyMC applications in imaging and nuclear medicine等。本次会议邀请了各类蒙卡软件的开发者及具有多年应用蒙卡经历的专家学者作了大会报告,详细介绍了各类蒙卡软件的最新开发及应用进展,并与参会者在蒙卡应用技巧方面进行了深入的探讨与交流。会议期间,舒迪昀代表龚春慧作了题为《Evaluation of the clinical translation of an optimized Compton Camera during Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for melanoma patients》的分会场报告,并张贴了题为《A Monte Carlo study of resolving the radiation dose through the detection of Cerenkov radiation in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy》(舒迪昀)和《Study on conformal proton therapy using multileaf collimated beams without tumour-specific range compensators via flat dose-layer stacking》(邵文成)的学术海报,与参会专家、老师、同学进行了深入的学术交流。


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